Many customers call in and request a larger size glue nozzle, because they are having issues with the amount of glue they are putting onto boxes in their packaging line. While it can be effective to increase the diameter orifice of the nozzle to put out more glue, it might not always be the best solution long term. The best chance of long-term cost savings and overall efficiency of your packaging machinery, is to find the actual cause of your glue nozzle issue.

Glue nozzles are merely a pointing mechanism for your hot glue. They create the direction the glue flows and the amount of glue allowed to flow. However, it is important to note that air pressure can also impact the amount of glue sent out through the nozzle. If the air pressure is increased, the rate at which the glue flows out of the nozzle will increase, ultimately putting more glue on the sub-straights of your boxes.  If you have increased air pressure, and still not enough glue is getting dispensed, you could be too far away from the sub-straights you are trying to glue. If possible, move the glue gun head closer to the boxes. If your packaging line does not allow for movement of the gun head, then a larger orifice nozzle may be the solution.

Charring or clogging could be a potential issue as well. If your nozzles are getting clogged, or even partially clogged, you may think that getting a larger size nozzle is your only solution. That is not always the case. It is recommended that you first check your in-line gun filters. If the filter is clogged, not enough glue could be running through to the nozzle. Tank filters should also be changed regularly. They prevent charring from the glue reservoir itself to pump through the hose, into the gun and ultimately through the nozzle. If your glue reservoir is charred up from years of use, scheduling a quarterly maintenance cleaning could also help with the amount of glue and quality of glue you are putting on your boxes.

For more helpful tips and a full preventative maintenance schedule, contact a Universal Systems sales rep at