Water washdown hoses and guns are important for plants that package items required by the FDA to get washed down with water either during or after operating hours. Water washdown hoses and guns are different than our standard high flex hoses and standard guns. The difference between the two is easy to tell. Washdown hoses and guns have a high temperature, extremely durable, waterproof jacketing encasing the electronics of each item. The connectors for each are also different than a standard set up. For washdown hoses and guns, the connectors will be a round pin connector, lined with a silicone seal and screw on connection plate for a water tight fit. Standard hoses and guns come with a rectangular connector that simply snaps into place. Washdown guns are also equipped with water tight gasketing on either end plate to ensure that the heating element and RTD are safe from any high powered washdown practices.
For more information on Universal Systems’ wide range of washdown products, please contact a sales rep at sales@ussefl.com