How to Properly Mount Your Hot Glue Gun
When setting up your cartoner or tray former, you need to think through placement of hot melt equipment for maximum glue hold and minimal glue usage. That includes both determining the ideal length of hoses needed, as well as the placement of the glue applicator. There are a few things that you really need to take into consideration for both, but this article will focus on properly mounting your glue gun.
- Make sure that wherever you are placing the applicator guns, the module and nozzle are positioned approximately an inch to an inch and a half away from the sub-straight. That will lessen stringing and popping. The shorter the distance the glue must travel in the air to hit the sub-straight, the less likely it is to cool and cause stringing and poor adhesion.
- Fit and position the module so that you can easily hit the sub-straight with either a straight or right-angled nozzle. If you are tight on space, consider using a slim-line or mini applicator so that you have more maneuverability of the manifold. You want to set it up so that both the module and nozzle are easy to access for replacement and or troubleshooting.
- Placement of an in-line filter assembly is also key for maximum long-term efficiency. You need to be able to get the filter body positioned in a way where you can easily access and replace the filter. Take into consideration utilizing a right angle or 45 degree fitting to make it easier to access.
- Try to mount the gun so that the in-line filter assembly can go directly into the hose without kinking the hose. The more secure the hose is, the longer it will last you.
If you are struggling with the logistics on how to set up your glue system within your packaging line, reach out to a Universal Systems technician, who will be able to get your hose and gun mounted in the best possible way.