Hands On Hot Melt Machinery vs. Remote Access Equipment
The hot melt industry has been changing over the years and most recently has made a push for remote access machinery, or even Bluetooth enabled equipment. At Universal Systems, we believe in the old school “hands on” approach to high speed packaging. Having a human component to troubleshoot and catch issues before they even start, in our opinion, is the only way to effectively manage your manufacturing systems. However, some of our competitors are moving toward human-less systems, where one person can manage the line from afar. With the equipment telling the person what they need and when they need it. There are pros and cons to each.
Here are the reasons why we feel like the “hands on” approach to line operators is still important.
Real time on the spot decision making based on experience will always be irreplaceable.
If something were to happen on the line, a line operator can real-time troubleshoot and fix the issue faster and more efficiently than a computer.
Eyes on the Problem
Putting your eyes on the actual problem helps you to better understand what the issue is and how to fix it. Reading an error code or getting an alert that you then must spend time researching is not always the best solution. If you can see why the line is down, then you have a better chance of getting it fixed and back up and running quickly.
Makeshift Fixes
Not that we are a proponent of makeshift fixes, sometimes it is necessary. With someone on the line, they can quickly switch out a filter or unclog a nozzle without there being much downtime. If you are working remotely, you would then have to call down to someone on the floor to make the switch, which could take more time than your operation can afford.
Overall, while computers and technology can be helpful and advance the industry, nothing can effectively replace a valuable line operator with experience and the ability to think on their feet. The same goes for technical support. It is invaluable to be able to work with a company who can offer you real-time technical support. At Universal Systems, you can always speak to someone who can help. We don’t send you through teleprompts or force you to send an email that may or may not get answered in a timely manner. We pride ourselves in our response times and helping our customers who are on the floor and putting in the work to get their equipment running at maximum capacity. For any technical support or customer services give us a call at (561) 272-5442 or email sales@ussefl.com.
Wine & Packaging
Why not combine my two favorite things: wine & packaging!
Winemaking is as much an art as it is a science, the same can be said for manufacturing packaging equipment. Winemakers need an OEM that has in-depth knowledge and experience in packaging products as high-end and fragile as wine bottles. At Universal Systems, we work with several large wineries to help them utilize the most cost-effective and capable line of hot melt equipment to seal their most valuable assets.
When wineries look to an OEM for their packaging needs, below are 5 things they need to focus on.
- QUALITY: All Universal Systems SE equipment is compliant with all international standards in addition to offering OSHA compliance.
- RELIABILITY: At USSE, we work with all wineries to make sure their hot melt equipment is optimized and running smoothly, and we have since 1981. We focus on matching the packaging needs with the tank capacity of the melter and the ease of operation on all machines for line workers. The easier the operation, the less potential for downtime. All of our hot melt tanks have the same components, this allows for you to streamline your inventory as well. We also provide you with advanced engineering and design with expert tech support.
- FLEXIBILITY: Your wine-making facility and process is unique, and you need an OEM that works with you to provide flexible solutions that support your business goals. Whether you need just a single machine or a full hot melt system, Universal System has a multitude of products that you can use for different glue applications.
- AFFORDABILITY: When you invest in new equipment, working directly with the equipment manufacturer eliminates the increased costs charged by a 3rd party representative of an OEM. Such investments should readily produce improved efficiencies that positively impact your bottom line. Our clients can attest to the fact that their investment in USSE equipment results in proven, accelerated ROI and a lower total cost of ownership. Plus, all of our equipment is proudly made in the USA.
- SUPPORT: Avoid frustrations of unanswered questions and unsolved problems by choosing to work with an OEM that provides excellent US-based customer service. That way, your operation can quickly get the assistance they need. Universal Systems is a US company who only has offices in the USA. We are proud to offer made in the USA products to our favorite US winemakers!
Call (561) 272-5442 today to speak with a sales rep to see how Universal Systems can help with your packaging needs.
Universal Systems Plug & Play Machinery
With what some industry professionals are calling “The Great Resignation” driving the packaging industry, it is so important to have equipment that is easy to use and operate. Recent studies report that the labor shortages in the packaging industry are due to employees not returning to work after Covid-induced shutdowns, as well as the increase in quit rates with most new employees not lasting longer than a month. Food industry production lines are reportedly standing idle because of lack of staffing where processors specifically pinpointed high retirement rates. This is a hard reality for many CPGs, and consumers are seeing this direct result in our local grocery and retail stores.
With over 40 years of experience in the hot melt packaging industry, Universal Systems is here to help. We have worked with hundreds of new maintenance managers and plant managers to help them learn about the equipment they are running. Whether they are running a competitor tank with our USSE components or our ProBilt system, we have the skills and knowledge of both old and new equipment to help relieve some of the stress that many companies may be feeling due to the loss of their most experienced workers.
Many CPGs also cite a lack of skilled labor capable of operating and troubleshooting complex packaging machinery. This is why Universal Systems’ line of ProBilt equipment is the perfect match for these end users. Our ProBilt equipment is in fact plug and play, with the easiest controls in the industry and the most flexibility by offering up to a 4-hose capability on all tanks. While many of our overseas manufactured competitors spent the last five years releasing “upgraded” equipment, they have lacked the foresight to see that they have ultimately overcomplicated the machinery for end user operators. Universal Systems’ ProBilt tanks have not changed much in the last 20 years. We have continued to manufacture our easy to program Accuscan control board and standardized components that we have prided ourselves on. Here at Universal Systems, we believe in quality, longevity and sustainability. Our products have proved time and time again that they work hard, for a long time, and without much training needed.
In addition, CPGs have been requesting more online videos and tutorials to help them train their new workforce on the machinery in their packaging lines. Universal Systems has listened to this call and we offer videos online on how to set melter temperature, as well as how the setback functionality on our tanks work.
We are here to support all of our customers, both old and new, as they navigate through their workforce troubles. By stocking over 10,000 items, we also help keep our customers up and running so you don’t have to wait out long lead times for standard operating equipment.
For more information about Universal Systems and our line of ProBilt products, please reach out to sales@ussefl.com or call (561) 272-5442.
Best Practices to Ease Supply Chain Burdens
It is no secret that everyone is experience supply chain issues this year. While there may be no end in sight, Universal Systems can only try and help ease the burdens on our end users. Below are a few of the best practices that we have implemented that we can recommend for our customers.
Keep an Open Line of Communication
With several of our competitors experiencing supply chain issues due to their overseas manufacturing and shipping issues in the current cultural climate, Universal Systems, being a USA manufacturer has received a lot of new business from large end users of hot melt equipment who would normally be buying from the big-name brand manufacturers. With the new influx of business, we have been open and honest with customers as to what we stock and what we make custom. If a new customer who is used to buying from Nordson calls and asks us lead time on standard stock items, we are happy to communicate that we can ship same day. However, if they have a custom gun or hose, we are honest regarding lead time and ship dates, normally 3-5 business days.
Plan Ahead
It is so important for companies to try and plan ahead with their inventory. While we realize this may be hard for many buyers due to lack of budget or their inability to get “out of the weeds” from being so far behind during Covid lockdowns, it is the only way to ensure there is no downtime on your packaging lines. Universal Systems offers all of our customers a preventative maintenance schedule and inventory recommendation list, so that you know what to keep on the shelf based on the equipment you are running.
Try New Products
Many of us get stuck in our ways and don’t realize there are other options out there that might improve our operations or way of doing business. Now that some large brand name companies, who have spent years manufacturing overseas, are feeling the crunch of no inventory due to low supply chain, many packagers should see this as an opportunity to work with Universal Systems. We have been manufacturing hot melt equipment in the USA for over 40 years and are well versed in packaging line needs and set ups. We manufacture most of the same products as our largest competitors and stock over 10,000 items at all times.
Think Outside the Box
With over 40 years of experience in packaging equipment, Universal Systems’ technicians are most skilled in thinking outside of the box. Whether it is troubleshooting an issue with an old machine that has been around since the dawn of day, or setting up a new line configuration, sometimes the most common answers don’t always work. We urge our customers to keep an open mind and work with us to figure out the best solutions to your packaging needs.
For more information about Universal Systems’ ProBilt line or products please reach out to sales@ussefl.com or call (561) 272-5442.
Cold Weather Impacts to Your Hot Glue Melter
As we move into the holiday season, we also experience a change in the weather. In most places in the US, the winter months mean that the climate inside most packaging plants change. With that, line operators need to take that temperature change into consideration when working with hot glue machines on their packaging lines.
Hot melt consistency, heated hose and gun temperature consistency and glue stringing are all potential problems that maintenance managers can deal with during the winter months. One of the most important things to look at is where your packaging line is located within your facility. Most melters are located at the end of the line, which leaves them close to an exterior wall, door or window. The cold temperature outside could be impacting, not only the viscosity of your glue, but the heating time of your glue and its adhesion ability. Every time your line operator opens the fill door on the hot melt tank, the external air hits the existing glue and cools it off. Even if the lid on your tank is only open for a few minutes, that could impact not only the current glue in the tank reservoir, but the glue you are adding to the tank. If your glue pellets are colder than normal, it will take a longer amount of time to heat them.
Another important task would be to inspect your system setup for any cold joints. A cold joint would be any unnecessary extensions that you have added throughout the adhesive application process. Most cold joints are found on older machines that use larger sized extensions and filter housings. The more cold joints on the system, the more inconsistent the glue will heat and stay heated throughout the entire application process.
If your main problem is glue stringing in the colder months, an easy solution would be to shorten the distance from the nozzle tip to the top of the box. Limiting the amount of time the glue has to travel in the air will help to lessen the problem of stringing, which can cause a weakened seal on the box.
If you have any questions about how to reduce the impact of winter weather on your hot melt system, please reach out to a technical rep at sales@ussefl.com.
The Right Melter for Your Packaging Line
Finding the right melter for your packaging line can impact not only your productivity, but also your bottom line. Most commonly, maintenance managers and buyers simply replace the current OEM melter with the latest model. That is not always necessary. Universal Systems SE ProBilt™ melters have the same footprint as most all Nordson® systems and can easily fit into where the original tank is positioned. Just because your current packaging line has a Nordson® melter does not mean you have to replace it with another expensive Nordson®. Plus, all of our ProBilt™ melters are in stock and can ship same day!
There are several key points to take into consideration when choosing a hot melt system for your packaging line. The most important are: Melt Rate, Durability, & Cost-Effectiveness.
Melt Rate
The melt rate is the rate at which the tank melts the adhesive pellets as they are filled into the reservoir. This is where the tank capacity comes into play. Before moving forward with any hot melt adhesive system, first you need to understand how many pounds you need to melt per hour. The melt rate is dependent on how many hoses and gun applicators you are running and how many boxes are being sealed per minute on your packaging line. The most common tank capacity is the 20 lb. (10 Liter) ProBilt™ 20, with a melt rate of 23 lbs. per hour. If you are only running one line with one hose and gun applicator, then you may only need the 15 lb. (7 Liter) ProBilt™ 15 which melts 18 lbs. per hour or the 12 lb. (6 Liter) unit which melts 15 lbs. per hour.
Depending on how many shifts you are running, you need a melter that will work consistently and effectively. All ProBilt™ melters come with a 10-year heater warranty, which is the highest in the industry. In addition, all melters come standard with 4 hose / 4 gun capability and a set-back functionality that allows for easy start up and shut down. ProBilt™ melters are constructed out of 316 stainless steel, not only for its sleek look that will seamlessly blend with your packaging line, but also for its durability and sustainability on your production line floor.
The economy is a huge question mark lately, being impacted by the lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. With that, large CPGs are cutting back not only in personnel but in spending budgets for packaging. These tighter budgets won’t always allow for a buyer to simply purchase the latest Nordson® melter. Here at Universal Systems SE, we have seen more and more companies trying to repair older melters and plug any current issues with band-aids to stretch their fixed budgets as far as they can. Since we manufacture parts that are compatible with old Nordson® tanks, we have been able to help a lot of companies cost effectively navigate the times. In addition to our parts business, all of our ProBilt™ series melters are cost effective replacements for any Nordson®. We are currently running a 15% off and free shipping in the USA promotion to help out CPGs and support US based companies.
To learn more about Universal Systems SE’s ProBilt™ series of melters and components, please reach out to a customer service representative at sales@ussefl.com or call (561) 272-5442.
How to Choose the Best Applicator for your Packaging Line
Oftentimes, a packaging line comes with standard, one module applicator guns. While that is the most common applicator on the market, there are several other application options available.
When figuring out your packaging line configuration, it may become apparent that a standard one module applicator will not work for you. It really depends on what you are closing up with hot melt. Are you running a case sealer? What size and style boxes are you sealing? How many edges do you need to hit with the glue and how do they fold together in the line? All of these questions need to be addressed before purchasing an applicator.
To help out, below is a list of some other common case sealer applicators. All of these items are in stock and ready to ship!
Low Profile
Low profile guns are one of the most commonly used guns on cartoners. Here at Universal Systems SE, we manufacture two module and four module versions to allow for easy glue distribution on small to large box sizes. Their name comes from their unique gun body design which is angled on each side. The angled design sides allow for the box flaps to flawlessly close while the gun is applying the adhesive on to the boxes.
Multi-Module Applicators
If you are running a high-speed line creating cartons that have multiple folds, such as a Douglas case erector, you may want to consider installing multiple module applicators. Universal Systems SE manufacture 2 module, 3 module, 4 module and 5 module applicators. There are various lengths between centers for each model. We recommend that you review all gun specs on our website.
For any other questions you may have regarding purchasing a new gun for your application, please give us a call at (561) 272-5442. We are happy to help create the best and most efficient hot melt application system possible.
Know Your Strengths
Knowing your strengths and the value add that you provide are important keys to success for any business. Universal Systems SE’s strength is the in-house manufacturing, QA process and customer service that we provide to our customers all year. The value add is the high-quality material and product that we put to market at a more affordable rate than most of our competitors.
Every day we have maintenance managers or co-packers calling in to find out if we can support their old Nordson® tank. The simple answer is yes. We can support old melters and usually fix any issues that your hot melt applicator may be having. On our website, we offer a search functionality that cross references thousands of product IDs from other manufacturers to make it easy to see which USSE parts are a perfect fit for your old system. However, not only do we support the old, but we manufacture new equipment that will function the same as your old and hopefully last longer. In order to help increase the life expectancy of your hot melt equipment, we offer a recommended maintenance schedule for any maintenance manager so that they can keep up with the life of their products and know when to replace important parts.
Another value add is the fact that we stock over 10,000 items at all times. Not only do we have hundreds of different styles and diameter nozzles in stock, we also stock pumps, control boards, filters, hoses, applicator guns, modules and we always stock tanks. Unlike most manufacturers, that make to order tanks, hoses and guns, we have one of the largest in stock inventory of any other hot melt manufacturer. And everything ships from the US, which means that you can typically get it within the week or overnight service if needed.
If you are ever in need of technical support for your old melter or hot melt equipment, do not hesitate to call us at (561) 272-5442. We are here to use our strengths, to help you add value.
The Importance of Product Support
Universal Systems SE has been manufacturing hot melt equipment since 1981. Starting with hoses and nozzles, then moving into applicators, pumps and tanks. Our first ProBilt tank was launched in 1990. Since then, our melter has only had a couple of generational upgrades. We believe that this is what sets us apart from other hot melt equipment manufacturers in the industry today. We have never believed upgrading our equipment or technology so much that it makes our old tanks in operation obsolete. We have added features and improved upon what we initially launched in 1990, but we have not let technology negatively impact the operational ease of our machines.
USSE believes in the importance of long-term product support and cross compatibility. There are hot melt system manufacturer’s in the industry, like Nordson®, who have discontinued not only production but also product support of their old melters. Both the 2300 series and 3000 series melters, while discontinued by Nordson®, are still in operation in hundreds of packaging facilities across America. Unlike Nordson®, Universal Systems still supports those old melters because we appreciate the fact that many of these melters, similar to the ProBilt melters, continue to run even 20+ years after initial operation. We are one of the only manufacturers in existence to still make and service 2300 & 3000 series pumps.
We also believe in product uniformity across all of our melters. That is why when we designed our melters, we made sure that all of Universal Systems’ ProBilt machines run the same control boards, pumps and tank filters. In most cases, facilities run several ProBilt melters, but only need to stock 1 or 2 of each spare part. That uniformity creates a streamlined and more simplistic inventory process.
As we move deeper into 2021 and our new normal continues to change, think about how the importance of long-term product support and a streamlined inventory process can help keep your packaging lines up and running. For more information about Universal Systems and our ProBilt line of melters please email sales@ussefl.com.
Managing Your Packaging Line in the New Year
It’s finally here, 2021! It felt like 2020 took forever to end, but now that it is gone, we need to make 2021 the best and most efficient year yet. Due to the struggles that we all faced last year, company strategies have changed, not because we wanted them to but because they had to. And like most industries, the packaging industry has also seen a lot of changes. We are now allowed less people in the office and on the line. Since workers have to be 6 feet apart, we cannot operate as many packaging lines as we want or need to. That means that we are getting less budget to spend on materials, supplies and equipment. Now, operating managers are finding themselves being more particular about cost and efficiencies. That is where Universal Systems comes into the mix. Our ProBilt line of hot melt equipment is made in the USA and has some of the strongest warranties in the industry. We have been manufacturing since 1981 and know what it means to work hard and take pride in that hard work. As we move out of a pandemic and into a new world, we have a few suggestions to help manage our “new normal” in the packaging world.
Catalog Your Inventory – while this may seem like a tedious task, it is worth it in the long run. Once you know what you have and how much you are using of an item, you will be able to estimate your budget needed for the new year.
Research Your Vendor Options – change is hard, but sometimes the best options are ones you haven’t even known about. Take some time to price out vendors for your packaging needs. There may be options out there that you don’t even know about that can save you a lot of money and be just as efficient and high quality as what you have been buying.
Learn How to Troubleshoot & Maintain – Pre-COVID, when the economy was thriving and budgets were high, packaging facilities had maintenance managers, operations managers, line operators, buyers, etc. Now, you may find yourself doing a little bit of everything. At Universal Systems, we believe that knowledge is power. The more you know about the equipment you are running and how to maintain and fix the issues will save you from overspending in the future. We have technicians that have over 40 years of experience in hot melt, that are here to help you if needed. Just call (561) 272-5442.