Safety in Switching Out Glue Equipment
The best way to keep your packaging line up and running as efficiently as possible is to do preventative maintenance. Here at Universal Systems SE, we have advocated for regular packaging line maintenance, including all of your glue melter equipment and components. However, it is not only important to know when to do maintenance, it is also important to know how to do that maintenance. There are more mistakes made in the switching out of glue equipment and components than you may think. Whether you are changing out a filter or switching a pump, there are steps to take in order to ensure a smooth transition, with the least amount of downtime. Here are a few tips on switching some of our ProBilt hot melt equipment products.
Tank Filters
First and foremost, it is important to know the model of your tank. Even though that sounds like standard knowledge, there are many tanks that look similar but have different tank capacities, pump types and filters. Once you know the tank model, you can look up if you need to replace the entire tank filter or if you can replace just the screen. On USSE’s ProBilt tanks, for example, you have the option to change only the tank screen. This allows you to save some money long term, while still maintaining your tank. It is recommended that you make the change while the tank is in setback and to wear Kevlar gloves so that you don’t burn yourself. The tank filter is located on the side of the tank. It can be removed with a flat head screw driver. Once the complete filter assembly is removed, there is a long screw that secures the screen to the assembly. Simply remove that screw, switch the screen, and replace the filter assembly. If you are changing out the tank screen, make sure that you do not damage the filter bung or o-rings when making the switch. Also, be careful, the glue inside the filter is HOT.
In-line Gun Filters
These are the easiest of filters on your glue line to change out. In most cases, the filters can be reordered in packs of 5. Locate where the filter is on the filter assembly body and use a wrench to loosen and remove. Kevlar gloves should be worn, as the outside of the filter will be hot and there will be glue on the filter you are removing. Simply put the new filter in place and tighten.
Usually modules are switched out because they are dripping or leaking. This is typically caused by either char or end of life of seat and piston. Switching out a module is fairly simple. Before taking off the old module and replacing with the new, make sure that the system is not running. Each replacement module comes with 2 o-rings and 2 screws. Place the o-rings on the back of the module and secure it on the gun applicator with the new screws.
If you are running an H200, zero cavity or reduced cavity module, there are rebuild kits available.
Switching out a glue pump is the least common practice on a packaging line. However, this is also simpler than you would think. Most technicians think that in order to change out a pump, you need to turn the tank off and let the glue cool. That is not always the case. If you are running a ProBilt tank and have an experience technician, he can switch out the pump while the system is still on. First, make sure you are wearing Kevlar gloves because the system will be hot. Turn off the air running to the system, this will limit any injuries. Remove the 3 bolts holding in the pump, use needle-nose pliers and do this carefully. Put the old pump on a large piece of cardboard where the glue can drain, cool and harden. Carefully put the new pump in, secure it with the 3 bolts and turn back on the air.
For any other questions about tank maintenance, please contact one of Universal Systems’ experienced technicians at (561) 272-5442 or email
How to Obtain Maximum Adhesion on Your Packaging Line
As we return back to work from the shut down earlier this year, facilities may be experiencing several new situations or issues that they have either never dealt with before, or maybe they are new to the industry and need help with understanding how best to operate a high-speed packaging line. We are hearing from a lot of our customers, both old and new, that good adhesion has become a problem. Even though we are moving into the summer and the weather is no longer a potential cause of adhesion issues, there are a few other checklist items that you can walk through to help correct any lack of adhesion.
The first thing to check is the distance of your application gun and nozzle tip to the container or carton you are trying to glue together. If there is too much distance between the tip and the box, the glue could be cooling mid-air, not allowing the cartoner to get full adhesion when moving the box to the folding stage. This solution could be a simple mounting adjustment to lessen the space between the nozzle tip and the box.
Another item to review is the viscosity and melt rate of the glue you are using. It is imperative to educate your line operators on the glue specifications to make sure they are heating it to the correct temperature. On the flip side of that, make sure they are not over-heating it and making the glue too thin, creating a longer open time for the adhesive. Knowing the specifications of your glue will also help you to regulate the amount of glue you are using on your applications, hopefully keeping your operating budget down.
In addition to the above listed items, we also highly recommend regular maintenance on your hot melt system to limit the amount of char building up in the tank. Performing regular maintenance such as changing out tank filters, in-line filters and cleaning out the tank quarterly, will lessen the effects of char through the line. If you do have a lot of char build up, that can and will transfer through the system and onto the box. Too much char mixed in with your glue can be causing adhesion issues. Once the glue dries and hardens around the char, the char can separate from the box.
If you are experiencing any adhesion issues or have any other troubleshooting questions that you would like to review with a technician, please call Universal Systems SE at (561) 272-5442 or email
Quality Assurance
As a manufacturer, Universal Systems SE, understands the importance of quality. That is why all of our hot melt application systems and components go through an extensive quality assurance process before they leave our facility.
Each technician at Universal Systems has a specialty. For example, building circuit boards, assembling tanks, building & testing pumps, building applicators, winding hoses, pressing in seals and assembling modules, pressing and drilling nozzles, etc. With over 10,000 parts in stock, quality assurance and having a double check (or even triple check) system in place is essential to ensure all of our customers are getting high quality products that will last for years.
Each technician takes immense pride in their work. However, even the best of the best need to be checked. Our typical QA process requires the build technician to go through their assembly process and initial each step, which confirms to the QA technician that they have in fact followed the correct order. This is important since most of the time our build technicians are building multiples of the same product at one time. We want to guarantee that a step is not skipped. After the build technician has initialed their paperwork, the product is then moved to the QA department. A QA professional is assigned to the project and reviews all of the key items on their checklist. Once the component QA is complete, the item is boxed, dated and initialed by the QA professional. The next time you receive an order from us, check to see that there is a green QA sticker with initials on it. That is your QA professional!
For any further questions regarding our QA process or if there are any technical questions you have about any Universal Systems product, please email or call us at (561) 272-5442.
Chillers on Your Manufacturing Line
Now you may be asking yourself, why am I reading about chillers on a hot melt blog? The answer is easy, Universal Systems SE manufactures heated hoses that can be used for transferring many more substances other than glue. And when there are applications that do not include glue, the manufacturing lines may need chillers.
Our heated hoses, while mainly used for high speed packaging glue application, can also be used for heating and transferring a plethora of other materials. Our Teflon lined hoses can transfer anything from candy, make up, wax and much more! Depending on the use and application of different substances, the packaging line can be filling at high rates of speed. Heating and filling formed containers for candle wax, as an example, can be tricky because in this application the wax needs to cool quickly so that it can be formed, packaged and shipped out to end users. One of the most common questions we get in this situation is: How can I keep my forming operation running at a high-speed pace from start to finish? The answer here is chillers. Essentially how a chiller works is it is built into the conveyor line. So, the product would be heated in a melt pot, transferred through the heated hose, dispensed into containers, and then fed along a chiller that is built into the line. The product goes from hot to cool in a matter of seconds.
If you have any other questions on how we can help you keep your production lines running at high-speed capabilities, please reach out to or call to speak with a technician (561) 272-5442.
Have Spares on the Shelf
As we navigate through this pandemic of 2020, we are noticing more and more packaging partners not getting the budgets to do much of anything with their packaging equipment. Even with the increase in demand for consumer goods like toilet paper and hand sanitizer, many packaging lines have limited shifts due to social distancing guidelines, making sure to keep their employees safe and healthy. As the country starts to slowly re-open, so will packaging lines…and nothing good comes out of a glue pot that has been sitting idle for over 6 weeks. That is why our number one recommendation to all facilities, other than to clean the pots before restart, is to make sure to keep spares on the shelf!
The most common hot melt equipment that should be replaced upon restarting a line are tank filters and in-line filters. Those filters will help with any char that is created once the line starts back up and running again. Another recommendation is to clean the pot with Purge Plus. It is so important to get the old glue out of the pot, before putting the new pellets in. It is also smart to keep spare modules and nozzles on the shelf. Those items can easily clog with char. Luckily, Universal Systems keeps over 10,000 items in stock and on the shelf for easy shipment whenever you need them.
If you are getting ready to restart a line and have any questions on best practices or the steps you should take to ensure a smooth manufacturing process, please call to speak with a technical rep at (561) 272-5442 or email
When Consumers Can’t Open their Boxes
Have you ever purchased a case of soda or carton of coffee cups and can’t get the box open? Of course, we all have. In the packaging industry, especially for hot melt machine manufacturers, that is a red flag. Whenever we get a box that has too much hot glue on it means that the packaging line is not set up properly or not being cleaned regularly.
If you are wondering why too much glue means that the line is not set up properly or not being cleaned regularly it is because one of two issues is occurring (or sometimes even both). The first issue is most likely that the line operators and/or maintenance managers are not cleaning the tank regularly and the lines are clogging up with char, which will subsequently clog nozzles. Instead of cleaning the tanks and hoses, and replacing the tank filter and in-line gun filters, most operations just buy bigger nozzles. If the diameter of the nozzle orifice is larger, then it will allow through more bits of char and not clog up as easily. Unfortunately, this is not a long-term solution. Putting down more hot glue will drive up the amount that facilities spend on adhesive pellets, and ultimately the annoyance will trickle down to the consumer when they can’t get their box open. The solution is simple…utilize Purge Plus to clean your tank every 1,000 hours. For some facilities that could mean cleaning every quarter and for others that could be twice a year, it all depends on the facility. In addition to cleaning the tank and hoses with Purge Plus, make sure that the tank filters are changed every 500 hours. The in-line gun filters should be changed every 150 hours to ensure that no char travels into the gun applicator, through the module and nozzle and onto the box.
The second issue that could cause too much glue on boxes, is that the line was not set up correctly from initial purchase. A lot of cartoners have standard hoses, guns, modules and nozzles that will work for most case packers, but not for all. Make sure to take into consideration the temperature of your packaging facility (which can impact the adhesion and viscosity of the glue as it travels through the application process), the distance that the guns are to the box upon application, and the surface area of the box you are covering. The longer the bead of glue you place, the less likely you are to need a larger diameter nozzle. The shorter the range you are covering, you might need more glue to make sure that maximum adhesion occurs, which means you need a larger diameter nozzle.
If you think you are putting down too much glue on your packaging line and need help, call one of Universal Systems’ technicians at (561) 272-5442. We have the most knowledgeable technicians in the business that can help you with almost any question.
Correct Hose Length
Case packing and sealing in packaging lines depends on several components to run steadily and reliably. In order for a system to run continuously at all times, each piece of equipment needs to be concisely installed. The usual suspects of precision engineering on your case sealer adhesive systems are the pump, applicators and nozzles. Most line operators undervalue the importance of heated hose length in the overall operation and efficiency of the line.
Heated adhesive hoses get attached to the hot melt tank and run from the tank to the application gun, which is mounted on the packaging line itself. Heated hoses are typically attached to the tank with a straight connector, but can have both a 45 degree or 90 degree connection option, depending on where the tank is placed on the line. The applicator plug at the end of the hose is also sent out as a straight connection, but can be switched to a 90 degree plug if needed. There are typically two – four hoses used on each packaging line. With a two hose line, one hose will run up the line, across the top and down to the applicators. This hose transfers the adhesive that will seal the top of the carton and is mounted using straps. The second hose will typically run straight along the side of the packaging line to seal the bottom of the case. No matter how many hoses you run or how you mount them, it is very important to have the correct length hose.
Our technicians visit several packaging facilities each year, and their biggest take away is that most purchasing agents are ordering the wrong length hose. Typically, the hoses that we see are too long. They are either running extra length on the ground, which is a safety hazard, or there is excess hanging before the applicator connection, which can cause heating inconsistency issues. It is important to measure from the tank through the entire hose travel process, including mounting straps, before ordering. Universal Systems SE manufactures our ClearFlow™ line of heated hoses in 2 ft increments. So, if you measure 6 ft, order a 6 ft hose and if you measure 7 ft, order an 8ft hose. Make sure that you measure precisely! If need a hose longer than 24 ft, we can custom make you any length up to 50 ft.
To speak with a USSE representative about our ClearFlow™ hoses or to consult with a technician about the hose length you need, please call (800) 848-5018 or email
Utilizing Key Features of the ProBilt™ Hot Glue System
There are a few brands to consider when shopping for a hot melt system for your packaging line. Universal Systems SE’s ProBilt™ product line has been around for over 40 years and has several key features that can help influence purchasing agents, as well as line operators, on why it is the best in the industry.
4 Hose / 4 Gun Standard Capability
Unlike any other hot melt tank option on the market, the ProBilt™ line of melters all come equipped with 4 hose and 4 gun capability. This is a standard option that is usually an add on from other manufacturers, like Nordson®. Nordson® has both the 2 hose/ 2 gun and 4 hose/ 4 gun melters, each differing in price. The ProBilt™ melters all come with 4 hose/ 4 gun capability at a lower price point than any Nordson®. This allows our customers versatility and the option to grow.
Easy to Program Control Board
One of the many benefits to owning a ProBilt™ system is the easy to operate, AccuScan™ Control Board. If you are plugging in a brand new tank, the board will be programmed to our factory settings. The line operator, can scan through the hose, gun and tank settings and set them to the temperatures needed. There are also a few fail safes installed in the machine. For example, if it is a cold start set up, the hoses and tank will heat first, then the guns will start to heat once the hose and tank are within 35 degrees of the set point. The reason for this is so that the gun doesn’t char, since the gun heats up faster than the hose and tank. Once temperature is reached, the “Heat On” light will blink and you are ready to use. The control board also comes equipped with alarm settings and a set back functionality, our next two key features.
Set Back Functionality
The set back functionality is one of the most important features that comes standard on all ProBilt™ tanks. Essentially, when the shift is over and you no longer need to run your packaging line, you push the set back button. This will “set back” the temperature of the tank, hoses and guns to 165 degrees. Allowing the glue already in the system to sit overnight without charring. When the morning comes, or the next shift starts, simply hit the set back button again, and all previous temperature settings will re-engage. This will decrease the start up time on the hot melt system significantly and allow your lines to be fully operational within minutes.
Alarm Options
Another key feature to the AccuScan™ Control Board are the alarm options it provides. The first alarm option allows for the panel to tie to an alarm light in your facility. In case anything happens that stops the system from running effectively, an alarm light can go off, alerting the line operator immediately. Another feature is the ability to tie it to the packaging line itself, called PMI or Parent Machine Interface. Parent Machine Interface will signal the packaging line when the glue is at full temperature thus preventing the line to start up until it receives the signal.
Please watch our video on how to set the ProBilt™ melter temperatures. For more information on our ProBilt™ systems please call today (561) 272-5442 or email
The Importance of Keeping Products Made in the USA
Over the years, large CPG companies moved away from manufacturing and packaging their products in the USA. There are is one obvious reason for that, cutting costs. The cost of materials and the cost of labor are both cheaper overseas. But cheaper isn’t always better. Yes, it increases overall profitability, which is essential for a company’s success, but cutting costs can also equate to lower quality products, poor customer service and lack of reliability.
Well, times are changing! With impending tariffs worldwide, it might not be the best option for you to work with a company that manufactures overseas.
Here at Universal Systems SE, we are proud to stamp “Made in the USA” on all of our components. Whether you are buying a nozzle or ProBilt™ tank, you can rest assured that they were 100% made here in the USA. We source all of our raw materials from US companies, and try to keep them “in the family” of small business owners. Not only do we believe in keeping everything home grown, we support small businesses, the true bread and butter of this great nation.
There is also the advantage of immediate customer service, when dealing with a US company like Universal Systems SE. We are here when you need us, to troubleshoot any questions or if you need products overnight. Since our manufacturing facility is in Delray Beach, FL, we operate on EST, so even companies on the west coast can catch us in the morning or early afternoon.
For more information on the products that we manufacture here in the USA, please email or call us at (800) 848-5018.
CPGs Wrestle with Workforce
If you follow the packaging industry, whether through news articles, industry periodicals or first hand through direct buyers at CPG companies, one of the largest drivers in packaging is the stress on workforce demands. This can include how difficult it is to find reliable workers that are dedicated to the success of the company. It can also be in the aspect that most of the line operators working the packaging line equipment are not trained properly on that piece of equipment and all of its capabilities.
As the packaging industry tries to modernize technology, not all of their workforce can keep up. As a hot melt equipment manufacturer, one of our core competencies is our knowledgeable technical support. If you have any Universal Systems SE equipment or ProBilt™ machines on your packaging lines, you can rest assured that you will get speedy, knowledgeable sales and technical support. However, in many instances, line operators do not have that type of experience or knowledge base. That can lead to “on the fly” fixes, which usually equates to weakened product and voided warranties. At Universal Systems SE we understand that knowledge is power, and we want to make line operators jobs easier, not harder. With that in mind, we have kept all of the ProBilt™ hot melt application systems uniform and easy to operate. We also try to make our clients smarter when they call with issues, asking questions to help them learn or giving them some simple troubleshooting tips to follow for the future.
In addition to being able to help line operators with questions and knowledge, we also make sure to include in every shipment all of the pertinent manuals and information guidelines needed. For example, if your company is ordering ClearFlow™ heated hoses (Universal Systems SE’s proprietary line of heated hot melt hoses), each shipment will include installation and care instructions. The same goes for our ProBilt™ applicator guns. With the purchase of any ProBilt™ application gun, we include a list of maintenance recommendations on the gun, modules and nozzles.
So, as CPGs continue to have concerns with their workforce, we here at Universal Systems SE we will continue to do everything in our power to ensure that we keep them knowledgeable on our equipment.
To learn more about our ClearFlow™ hoses or any other ProBilt™ products, please reach out to or call (561) 272-5442.