RTD Sensors
RTD Sensors (resistance temperature detectors) are used in hot melt packaging systems because of their precision in sensing and proportioning temperature. They consistently maintain a temperature control stability of +/- 1-degree Fahrenheit. With the ever-increasing price of adhesive, it is important that RTD sensors are used in all of Universal Systems’ hot melt hoses and glue applicators for steady adhesive application. When combined with USSE’s patented AccuScan™ solid-state control system, RTD sensors provide precise bead uniformity for all of our ProBilt™ applicators.
Since RTD sensors are so key to the adhesive application process, it is important to check them first whenever you notice glue inconsistencies. If you see that your glue bead is not sticking properly or getting clogged, it could be caused by inconsistent glue temperature. There are several causes of inconsistent glue temperature. For example, if your tank operators are opening the cover to add glue, that will cause a temperature change. RTDs control that process, by notifying the heater to turn on and run longer when those situations occur. If your RTD is weak, then the heater will not be able to maintain steady temperature. It is the easiest, most overlooked and one of the least expensive components in your application process, but is worth it’s weight in glue!
When it comes to understanding the components that make up your adhesive application system, we believe that knowledge is power. So, if you have any questions, or think that you may be having issues with your RTD sensor, do not hesitate to call Universal Systems at (800) 848-5018 to speak with one of our technicians. We can walk your line operator through testing RTD sensors and how to switch them out correctly and safely.
Zero Cavity Modules and What They Are Used For
There are several different set ups available for your hot melt application. That’s because not all industries use glue application for the same reason. The most common form of hot glue application is standard case packers for mass production high speed packaging. Typically, those lines use standard H200 modules. However, glue application is used to seal other, more specific products. For example, swirl pattern modules are used for glue application on feminine hygiene products, diapers and also for sealing air filters. This blog is going to specifically explain zero cavity modules and what industries use them and why.
Zero cavity modules have a very specific look, with a nozzle head attachment rather than a screw on nozzle. They also come with an E-Z Micro Adjust attachment to manage precision glue application. This nozzle & micro-adjust feature is custom manufactured for precise glue placement on smaller boxes, such as crayon boxes or pharmaceutical products. This unique technology allows for line operators to place a small amount of glue on a small, predetermined location without creating any stringing. Typically, because of this precise requirement, most zero cavity modules are made with either a .008 or a .012 diameter orifice, so that there can never be too much glue applied.
Because zero cavities have a matched piston needle and seat, when they finally wear out, most manufacturers require customers to replace the entire module. Universal Systems does not. We manufacture a rebuild kit specifically for zero cavity modules for a fraction of the price of replacing an entire module. Check out our rebuild kits here: https://www.ussefl.com/products/hot-melt-modules/module-rebuild-kits/.
Not many hot melt application manufacturers offer zero-cavity modules. Luckily, here at Universal Systems we have been manufacturing this specific module for over 25 years. If you would like to learn more about zero cavity modules or get a price quote, please reach out to sales@ussefl.com or call (561) 272-5442.
The Importance of Utilizing Cross-Referencing
The packaging industry is entering the time of year when budgets are getting tight, but replacement parts are still needed. Universal Systems SE will cross-reference any of our competitor item numbers and get you high quality replacements. Cross-referencing Nordson item numbers to Universal Systems SE item numbers will help to lower your cost and keep your packaging lines running longer!
You will also notice that our competitors change their part number often. This is why we offer the search bar on our website for any cross-reference numbers you might have. Some of the most common cross references are listed below. If you purchase any of the parts listed on a regular basis, please feel free to call us today! We guarantee that all of our products are quality control tested before leaving our facility and we stand by all of our products with strong warranties.
Adhesive Systems:
P10, 1022234, 1022235, 276881, 276882, 276883, 276884, 276885, 276886, 276033, 276034, 238310, 243666, 168204, 166535 à ALL of these item numbers match USSE # D100-644
Heated Hoses:
4 Ft. Hose:
107288, 129556, 100120, 274791, 276151 –> 4104
6 Ft. Hose:
107286, 129557, 100121, 274792, 276152 –> 4106
8 Ft. Hose:
107287, 129559, 100122, 274793, 276153 –> 4108
10 Ft. Hose:
107289, 129561, 100123, 274794, 276154 –> 4110
12 Ft. Hose:
107310, 129562, 100124, 274795, 276155 –> 4112
16 Ft. Hose:
104008, 129564, 100125, 274796, 276156 –> 4116
20 Ft. Hose:
223838, 223836 –> 4120
24 Ft. Hose:
129565, 100832, 100126, 274797 –> 4124
Applicator Guns:
H200 1 Module AO/AC
8503717, 8505756, 8505768 –> 39105
H200 1 Module (AO/SC)
274596, 224939, 8503591, 8503686 –> 39107
H200 (AO/AC)
1052927 –> 29215
H200 (AO/SC)
272282, 276119, 326583, 331979, 1048115, 2210, 2219, 2400, 2410 –> 29219
For any other questions on cross-referencing, please call (561) 272-5442 or email sales@ussefl.com.
Custom Manifolds & Gun Applicators
There are not many manufacturers in the hot melt industry that have the ability to work with clients and create custom manifolds and gun applicators to fit their unique needs. Universal Systems SE has that ability and is willing to pair up our engineers with our client’s team to ensure that we manufacture the exact applicator needed for any job.
Over the last forty years, Universal Systems SE has manufactured an array of different custom manifolds and gun applicator systems for different types of industries. Not only can our custom gun manifolds distribute adhesive onto boxes in packaging lines, but they can be used for distributing make-up, candle gel, etc. Depending on the viscosity and melt rate of the substance needed to make the transfer, our custom manifolds and applicators will work with several different types of materials.
The custom manifold and gun process is simple. Contact one of Universal Systems SE’s customer service representatives, by either calling in to (561) 272-5442 or submitting a custom gun online form. You will then be connected with a USSE mechanical engineer. After all of the client’s needs are communicated with our engineering team and all questions answered, USSE will provide the customer with a custom manifold drawing for approval. The drawing will include dimensions of the manifold, spacing of modules, type of modules and all cordsets that are included and the location of those cordsets. Once the drawing is signed off on by the customer, we then manufacture the manifold body. After a vigorous quality control process, each custom manifold is inspected and tested to ensure all dimensions are correct and that the custom gun matches the approved drawing. Once the manifold passes all initial testing, modules are added and the custom gun is created and tested internally by two different QC Engineers. Once there is approval by both engineers, the final product is cleaned and ready for shipping.
The normal process for custom manufactured manifolds and completed guns is four to six weeks, with extra time potentially added in depending on customer turnaround time for drawing approvals.
If you are interested in learning more about the types of custom manifolds and gun applicators that Universal Systems SE can engineer for you, please call (561) 272-5442 or email sales@ussefl.com.
The Difference Between a Glue Gun Head and Module
By far, the most commonly asked question we receive is – what is the difference between a glue gun and a module? A misconception that many packaging line buyers make is that when a module fails, you need to replace the entire gun. That is not true. In most cases, the modules attach to the gun and can be easily removed and replaced.
Below is a breakdown of the components that comprise a hot melt adhesive gun application system:
- Gun Head – this is the gun body that attaches to the packaging line and initiates the application of melted adhesive into the module. There are a variety of different style gun heads, ranging from 1 module to multi module capacities.
- Module – the module attaches to the gun head via two screws. Each gun applicator will come with modules, but these can be replaced regularly once they get clogged. The module is the conduit that applies the adhesive to the package.
- Nozzles (not always included when you purchase a gun) – at the end of every module is a nozzle. Most standard nozzles will screw on to the end of the module. The diameter of the nozzle will determine how much hot melt is applied to each package. Some modules, such as reduced cavity, zero cavity and ProBead’s, will come with an integrated nozzle seat attached. Replacement kits for these integrated nozzles are sold separately, instead of buying a brand-new module.
If you only need to replace the module, and not the entire gun applicator, make sure you check which type of module you need. Below is a list of the most common modules in use today.
- Standard H200 Module
- ProBead Self-Cleaning Module
- Reduced Cavity H200 Module
- Zero Cavity Micro Adjust H200 Module
- Swirl Pattern Modules
- Weave Pattern Modules
- H20 Modules
If you have any questions on which items you may need, please reach out to a sales representative by either calling (561) 272-5442 or emailing sales@ussefl.com. We manufacture all products in the United States and are here to offer the best price possible to get your packaging line up and running as quickly as possible.