Hands On Hot Melt Machinery vs. Remote Access Equipment

The hot melt industry has been changing over the years and most recently has made a push for remote access machinery, or even Bluetooth enabled equipment. At Universal Systems, we believe in the old school “hands on” approach to high speed packaging. Having a human component to troubleshoot and catch issues before they even start, in our opinion, is the only way to effectively manage your manufacturing systems. However, some of our competitors are moving toward human-less systems, where one person can manage the line from afar. With the equipment telling the person what they need and when they need it. There are pros and cons to each.

Here are the reasons why we feel like the “hands on” approach to line operators is still important.


Real time on the spot decision making based on experience will always be irreplaceable.


If something were to happen on the line, a line operator can real-time troubleshoot and fix the issue faster and more efficiently than a computer.

Eyes on the Problem

Putting your eyes on the actual problem helps you to better understand what the issue is and how to fix it. Reading an error code or getting an alert that you then must spend time researching is not always the best solution. If you can see why the line is down, then you have a better chance of getting it fixed and back up and running quickly.

Makeshift Fixes

Not that we are a proponent of makeshift fixes, sometimes it is necessary. With someone on the line, they can quickly switch out a filter or unclog a nozzle without there being much downtime. If you are working remotely, you would then have to call down to someone on the floor to make the switch, which could take more time than your operation can afford.

Overall, while computers and technology can be helpful and advance the industry, nothing can effectively replace a valuable line operator with experience and the ability to think on their feet. The same goes for technical support. It is invaluable to be able to work with a company who can offer you real-time technical support. At Universal Systems, you can always speak to someone who can help. We don’t send you through teleprompts or force you to send an email that may or may not get answered in a timely manner. We pride ourselves in our response times and helping our customers who are on the floor and putting in the work to get their equipment running at maximum capacity. For any technical support or customer services give us a call at (561) 272-5442 or email sales@ussefl.com.


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Keep it Simple for the Next Generation of Workers

Overcomplicating machinery has never been our goal at Universal Systems. Our focus for over the last 40 years has been to manufacture reliable, easy to use, tough equipment that will last decades. The only way we know how to do that is to keep our systems as easy to operate as possible.

Our AccuScan Control Panels are the same on every ProBilt tank we manufacture. They are easy to understand and easy to replace. We specifically manufacture our products to allow our customers to standardize their inventory and minimize their spending. Making all of our products uniform in design, allows for line operators to be trained on the equipment only once. Additionally, it allows the line operators to understand how to program the machines and troubleshoot any error codes that occur since our codes never change. Even our error codes are easy to understand. For example, rtdH means your RTD is reading high, while HtrL means your heater is low.

We know how important it is to train operators on the equipment they are managing. All of our systems come with an intricate manual that includes installation instructions, parts schematics and troubleshooting guidelines. We also provide a preventative maintenance recommendation schedule that lists what items should be kept in your inventory and how often items should be proactively replaced. Here at Universal Systems, we want to make hot melt application as easy as possible for the future generation of operators. For more information or to get our preventative maintenance recommendations sent to you, contact USSE at sales@ussefl.com.

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The Lost Art of Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting is most definitely a lost art. In today’s throwaway society, we have lost touch with our ability to fix things ourselves. That is true in all aspects of business and most definitely prevalent in the packaging world.

For us, in the hot melt application industry, we have seen it get progressively worse over the last few years. Ever since the pandemic, it seems that most hot melt manufacturers no longer stand behind their equipment and help with troubleshooting. Industry giants, like Nordson, want you to buy new machines, they don’t want you to fix what you already have. Here at Universal Systems, that is the exact opposite of our company culture. We are here to help, we believe in our equipment, and that the art of troubleshooting isn’t something that should be lost forever.

That being said, troubleshooting a pump not running doesn’t mean hitting it with a wrench until it moves. There is an art to it. Using deductive thinking to pinpoint the cause of the issue versus just replacing each piece until it starts working again. For example, your line is running a multi-module gun, and the last module on the line isn’t getting glue. In order to figure out where the real issue lies you first need to make sure all of your key points are met. First, is your glue heated to the correct temperature? What is the consistency of the glue out of the first module in the gun versus the second, etc.? If the gun isn’t heated to temperature, your glue’s viscosity may not be correct to run through the manifold to all modules. Second, have you checked your in-line filters? There could be a clog in the filter not allowing enough glue to flow into the gun to get to all modules. There could also be a clog in manifold itself. Once you eliminate all potential variables, you will be able to deduct what your actual problem may be.

Training on equipment is also very important in practicing the art of troubleshooting. If you have line operators that understand how your equipment works, they will be better equipped to troubleshoot potential issues. If your line operators or floor managers are not fully versed with your equipment, you should be able to call the equipment manufacturer to go through troubleshooting steps with you. At Universal Systems, we pride ourselves in our customer service and ability to walk any customer through troubleshooting. If you have a manufacturer, like Nordson, that will not take that time with you, maybe it’s time for a change to USSE.

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How Dirty Air Impacts Your Pneumatic Systems

Pneumatic hot melt systems are run by air in both the pump and the applicator guns. One of the most important ways to ensure the longest run time out of any pneumatic system is to make sure that the air is clean and dry. That can be easier said than done. Most all packaging facilities have oil, water, or debris in their air. That is just the way it is. Some factories will install air cleaning systems and then add lubricators to lines to ensure that other equipment that requires oil runs smoothly. But even with the most expensive and elaborate air filtration system, there will always be some type of substance that gets by and can lead to issues in the pneumatic pumps of hot melt units. The simplest solution is to install an oil removal filter regulator to the air line running to the pump.

Oily air is our most commonly found issue inside facilities that have pumps stop up. The reason is because the shifters are manufactured with very specific tolerance clearance between the shifter spool and sleeve. This design is a necessity in order to get the pump to shift. Too much clearance and the air will just blow by the spool, never building up enough air pressure to pump. Too little clearance and the shifter will jam. That being said, if you have oily air or dirty air being run through the shifter, over time, that will cause a film to build up inside the shifter and cause a jam. Depending on the amount of oil or dirt in your air, and the number of hours the systems is run for, will determine how long this will take to happen. However, if you feel like your facility air is questionable, we suggest that you use the oil-removal filter regulator to prevent any shifter stop ups.

Another pump issue that can be caused by dirty or oily air is that it can get into the air motor and damage the rulon seals. The seals need to be tight to snuggly move up and down the air motor and if they get damaged by oil or dirt, that can lead to your pump not efficiently pumping. These seals can be replaced over time and should be checked every 2,000 hours.

Universal Systems offers pump rebuild kits for the seals, as well as sells the shifter valves in case you ever run into a pump issue caused by dirty, oily air. For more information on our pump rebuilding services, or for any technical support you might need, please call (561) 272-5542 or email sales@ussefl.com.

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Tried and True: How Reliability and Innovation Don’t Always Go Hand in Hand

Innovation is important in any industry, including packaging. However, the latest and greatest isn’t always the best for your operation. There are several reasons as to why it is better to stick with the old tried and true systems.


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I am sure you have heard that saying before. There is a reason. If you have a system that has run great for you in the past, stick with it. Getting something new is not for everyone. With new equipment comes more complications such as line operator training, all new inventory, potential downtime due to the learning curve, etc. In addition, most all new equipment comes with new technology that, while it is probably meant to be helpful and less time consuming, becomes over complicated and more time consuming. Universal Systems ProBilt has kept its reliable technology for decades. And while that sounds like we are not innovating, that is not true. We are sticking with what we know works. We have found the secret sauce, why over complicate it?

Ease of Use

With every innovation, comes new challenges. Learning new ways to do things is not easy for everyone and can slow most people down. That is true in our everyday lives, just like it is in packaging. It’s called high-speed packaging for a reason, and every new technology feature opens the door to potentially slowing people down. If your network connection is slow, or the on-board computer screen doesn’t want to keep up with the operation. All these new luxuries can cause slowdowns. Our Universal Systems ProBilt tanks and components are easy to operate with our plug and play style. The board’s simplicity is our greatest asset. It lowers the number of faults and tells you the exact problem if there is a fault. With our ProBilt AccuScan Control Panel, you don’t need a book of faults to reference, the screen tells you what the issue it. Keeping it simple for all operations on the line.

Knowledge is Power

If you have a ProBilt melter, then your line operators know how to set it up, how to use it and the maintenance required to keep it running for decades. As we see other companies in the industry switching out their systems and discontinuing product lines, we have decided to keep with what we know. Inherently allowing our customers to keep with what they have been running for as long as they have worked with us. At Universal Systems, we don’t have any planned obsolescence. You will never not be able to get help with any of our equipment because we no longer support it. We make sure that we support everything we have ever made and will stay that way.

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Cold Weather Impacts Your Hot Glue

Most facilities are located in parts of the US impacted by the cold weather months. As the weather gets colder, so does the interior of the factories where most packaging lines operate. It seems like common sense that as the environment around your hot melt system gets colder, so will your hot glue unless you increase the temperature. Below are a few key factors to realizing you need to up your temperature.

Hot Melt Consistency

Hot melt consistency is the number one problem in most high-speed packaging lines during the winter months. This includes not only the consistency of the glue within the heated reservoir, but also the consistency of the glue to stay at temperature as it travels down that line. Just because your glue looks viscous inside the pot, doesn’t mean it is holding the same viscosity throughout the travel process. If your glue looks stringy or your guns are not firing consistently, then you most likely have a glue temperature problem. Try increasing the temperature of the tank, hoses and guns by 15 degrees. Please note that your hoses and guns should already be set 15 degrees higher than your tank. A minor adjustment like this will not char your glue, but should help keep it consistently viscous throughout the travel process.

Locate Cold Joints

Another important task would be to inspect your system setup for any cold joints. A cold joint would be any unnecessary extensions that you have added throughout the adhesive application process. Most cold joints are found on older machines that use larger sized extensions and filter housings. The more cold joints on the system, the more inconsistent the glue will heat and stay heated throughout the entire application process. If you cannot eliminate cold joints, increasing the temperature settings of the tank, hoses and guns will be helpful.

Location of your Line

One of the most important things to look at is where your packaging line is located within your facility. Most melters are located at the end of the line, which leaves them close to an exterior wall, door or window. The cold temperature outside could be impacting, not only the viscosity of your glue, but the heating time of your glue and its adhesion ability. Every time your line operator opens the fill door on the hot melt tank, the external air hits the existing glue and cools it off. Even if the lid on your tank is only open for a few minutes, that could impact not only the current glue in the tank reservoir, but the glue you are adding to the tank. If your glue pellets are colder than normal, it will take a longer amount of time to heat them. Since you cannot move the line, increasing the set temperature of your tank, hoses and guns will help eliminate glue inconsistency during the winter months.

If you have any questions about how to reduce the impact of winter weather on your hot melt system, please reach out to a technical rep at sales@ussefl.com.

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Inflate Your Inventory, Not Your Budget

As we head into 2023, all Americans are impacted by the largest increase in inflation that we have seen in decades. With inflation comes several other economic impacts on society, including companies lowering budgets, changes in workforce, families not being able to afford bare essentials and many other challenges. With that said, companies still need to find ways to stay fully operational while staying within their newly defined restrictions.

Here at Universal Systems SE, we pride ourselves on producing high quality products at economical prices and have since 1981. All of our products are made in the USA and we keep almost every item in stock at all times. If you are having issues getting Nordson® products, or feel like the recent price increases from Nordson® aren’t allowing you to stay up and running at all times, please reach out to us. We will send you a quote within 24 hours.

The importance of “in stock” has never been more valuable. We realize that and are dedicated to continue to invest in stocking products so that our customers can get their most vital items in a timely and cost-effective manner.

For pricing on our most popular products, please reach out to sales@ussefl.com.

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Universal Systems Plug & Play Machinery

With what some industry professionals are calling “The Great Resignation” driving the packaging industry, it is so important to have equipment that is easy to use and operate. Recent studies report that the labor shortages in the packaging industry are due to employees not returning to work after Covid-induced shutdowns, as well as the increase in quit rates with most new employees not lasting longer than a month. Food industry production lines are reportedly standing idle because of lack of staffing where processors specifically pinpointed high retirement rates. This is a hard reality for many CPGs, and consumers are seeing this direct result in our local grocery and retail stores.

With over 40 years of experience in the hot melt packaging industry, Universal Systems is here to help. We have worked with hundreds of new maintenance managers and plant managers to help them learn about the equipment they are running. Whether they are running a competitor tank with our USSE components or our ProBilt system, we have the skills and knowledge of both old and new equipment to help relieve some of the stress that many companies may be feeling due to the loss of their most experienced workers.

Many CPGs also cite a lack of skilled labor capable of operating and troubleshooting complex packaging machinery. This is why Universal Systems’ line of ProBilt equipment is the perfect match for these end users. Our ProBilt equipment is in fact plug and play, with the easiest controls in the industry and the most flexibility by offering up to a 4-hose capability on all tanks. While many of our overseas manufactured competitors spent the last five years releasing “upgraded” equipment, they have lacked the foresight to see that they have ultimately overcomplicated the machinery for end user operators. Universal Systems’ ProBilt tanks have not changed much in the last 20 years. We have continued to manufacture our easy to program Accuscan control board and standardized components that we have prided ourselves on. Here at Universal Systems, we believe in quality, longevity and sustainability. Our products have proved time and time again that they work hard, for a long time, and without much training needed.

In addition, CPGs have been requesting more online videos and tutorials to help them train their new workforce on the machinery in their packaging lines. Universal Systems has listened to this call and we offer videos online on how to set melter temperature, as well as how the setback functionality on our tanks work.

We are here to support all of our customers, both old and new, as they navigate through their workforce troubles. By stocking over 10,000 items, we also help keep our customers up and running so you don’t have to wait out long lead times for standard operating equipment.

For more information about Universal Systems and our line of ProBilt products, please reach out to sales@ussefl.com or call (561) 272-5442.

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ProBilt Glue Systems Meet the Demands & Needs of Packaging Lines

The trend in packaging for many CPGs has been to move away from in-house packaging solutions and more towards co-packers and contract packagers. Rather than dedicating complete in-house lines, CPGs and processors can be more flexible with their budgets by putting the responsibility of capital investments for machinery in the hands of the contract packagers. In addition, the CPGs no longer have to worry about hiring line operators for the packaging machines. In the last few years, it has become clear that hiring, retaining and training employees is a challenge for every company. CPGs are finding that if they move the responsibility of packaging to contract companies, they no longer have to deal with that potential issue.

The move to contract packaging is not a bad thing for glue equipment OEMs, like Universal Systems SE. We enjoy working with contract packagers because they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to focus on packaging lines and, in most cases, know what they want and need from a hot glue machine, more than a CPG will.

Below is a list of requirements we are hearing about from Contract Packagers for their packaging equipment, and an explanation as to why Universal Systems ProBilt systems will work best to fulfill these needs.

  • Quick changeovers to limit downtime – USSE’s ProBilt systems are plug and play. They are easy to set up and disable for cleaning, preventative maintenance, component replacement, etc.
  • Preventative maintenance schedules – USSE believes that preventative maintenance is key to maintain the efficiency and longevity of any piece of machinery. A hot glue tank is no different. Universal Systems offers up a preventative maintenance schedule upon request, along with recommendations on what parts to keep on the shelf and how many of each part is needed to keep your operation up and running at all times.
  • Streamlined equipment so that system components are interchangeable – Universal Systems prides ourselves in being the most streamlined OEM of hot melt machines in the market. Not only do all of our tanks take the same pumps, filters, valves, etc., all of our components are interchangeable with our top competitors including hoses, guns, modules and nozzles.
  • Versatility for different packaging setups – Universal Systems manufactures over 100 different types of applications options, as well as the option to custom CNC any configuration needed.
  • Easy-to-operate machines – Our ProBilt tanks are by far the easiest in the industry to operate. We focus on longevity and simplicity so that anyone can set up and operate our tanks with ease. We also offer online videos on how to set temperature and utilize our setback feature.

For more information on Universal Systems and our ProBilt line of products please reach out to sales@ussefl.com or call (561) 272-5442.

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Best Practices to Ease Supply Chain Burdens

It is no secret that everyone is experience supply chain issues this year. While there may be no end in sight, Universal Systems can only try and help ease the burdens on our end users. Below are a few of the best practices that we have implemented that we can recommend for our customers.

Keep an Open Line of Communication

With several of our competitors experiencing supply chain issues due to their overseas manufacturing and shipping issues in the current cultural climate, Universal Systems, being a USA manufacturer has received a lot of new business from large end users of hot melt equipment who would normally be buying from the big-name brand manufacturers. With the new influx of business, we have been open and honest with customers as to what we stock and what we make custom. If a new customer who is used to buying from Nordson calls and asks us lead time on standard stock items, we are happy to communicate that we can ship same day. However, if they have a custom gun or hose, we are honest regarding lead time and ship dates, normally 3-5 business days.

Plan Ahead

It is so important for companies to try and plan ahead with their inventory. While we realize this may be hard for many buyers due to lack of budget or their inability to get “out of the weeds” from being so far behind during Covid lockdowns, it is the only way to ensure there is no downtime on your packaging lines. Universal Systems offers all of our customers a preventative maintenance schedule and inventory recommendation list, so that you know what to keep on the shelf based on the equipment you are running.

Try New Products

Many of us get stuck in our ways and don’t realize there are other options out there that might improve our operations or way of doing business. Now that some large brand name companies, who have spent years manufacturing overseas, are feeling the crunch of no inventory due to low supply chain, many packagers should see this as an opportunity to work with Universal Systems. We have been manufacturing hot melt equipment in the USA for over 40 years and are well versed in packaging line needs and set ups. We manufacture most of the same products as our largest competitors and stock over 10,000 items at all times.

Think Outside the Box

With over 40 years of experience in packaging equipment, Universal Systems’ technicians are most skilled in thinking outside of the box. Whether it is troubleshooting an issue with an old machine that has been around since the dawn of day, or setting up a new line configuration, sometimes the most common answers don’t always work. We urge our customers to keep an open mind and work with us to figure out the best solutions to your packaging needs.

For more information about Universal Systems’ ProBilt line or products please reach out to sales@ussefl.com or call (561) 272-5442.

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