Hunting Down Old Adhesive Melter Parts

An interesting fact about the packaging industry that most people don’t realize, is that purchasing agents become avid internet hunters when it comes to finding parts for their old equipment. There are several resources out there, the largest being eBay, for purchasing agents to find and buy parts for their old adhesive melters. The problem is, when buying from a bid platform, you never know what you are going to get. If you are looking for an old part, for a melter that is more than 20 years old, the part you find online could either be used or the wrong part. Also, with most online bid platforms, you get what you get. There are no returns or exchanges for your actual part. And in most cases, you get what you pay for.

Universal Systems SE realizes how important it is to be an online resource of purchasing agents, which is why we have invested in becoming “searchable”. In the last couple of years, we have launched a new website, added more products, and increased the number of cross-reference IDs on our website. We have added pictures, spec sheets and custom contact forms to help purchasing agents get exactly what they need. We are also working on making sure that we show up in the search results when purchasing agents Google old part numbers or manufacturers.

The benefit of buying from USSE is that all of our equipment is new, in stock and you can talk with a technician to make sure it will fit with your current equipment. Another key aspect of working with USSE is our staff of knowledgeable engineers that have been around adhesive melters and packaging line equipment for over 40 years. If you have a question about your old melter, we are most likely the only company in the industry that can answer it.

To test out the knowledge of our technicians, give us a call at (800) 848-5018. We are certain we can get your old equipment back up and running in record time.

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Utilizing Key Features of the ProBilt™ Hot Glue System

There are a few brands to consider when shopping for a hot melt system for your packaging line. Universal Systems SE’s ProBilt™ product line has been around for over 40 years and has several key features that can help influence purchasing agents, as well as line operators, on why it is the best in the industry.

4 Hose / 4 Gun Standard Capability

Unlike any other hot melt tank option on the market, the ProBilt™ line of melters all come equipped with 4 hose and 4 gun capability. This is a standard option that is usually an add on from other manufacturers, like Nordson®. Nordson® has both the 2 hose/ 2 gun and 4 hose/ 4 gun melters, each differing in price. The ProBilt™ melters all come with 4 hose/ 4 gun capability at a lower price point than any Nordson®. This allows our customers versatility and the option to grow.

Easy to Program Control Board

One of the many benefits to owning a ProBilt™ system is the easy to operate, AccuScan™ Control Board. If you are plugging in a brand new tank, the board will be programmed to our factory settings. The line operator, can scan through the hose, gun and tank settings and set them to the temperatures needed. There are also a few fail safes installed in the machine. For example, if it is a cold start set up, the hoses and tank will heat first, then the guns will start to heat once the hose and tank are within 35 degrees of the set point. The reason for this is so that the gun doesn’t char, since the gun heats up faster than the hose and tank. Once temperature is reached, the “Heat On” light will blink and you are ready to use. The control board also comes equipped with alarm settings and a set back functionality, our next two key features.

Set Back Functionality

The set back functionality is one of the most important features that comes standard on all ProBilt™ tanks. Essentially, when the shift is over and you no longer need to run your packaging line, you push the set back button. This will “set back” the temperature of the tank, hoses and guns to 165 degrees. Allowing the glue already in the system to sit overnight without charring. When the morning comes, or the next shift starts, simply hit the set back button again, and all previous temperature settings will re-engage. This will decrease the start up time on the hot melt system significantly and allow your lines to be fully operational within minutes.

Alarm Options

Another key feature to the AccuScan™ Control Board are the alarm options it provides. The first alarm option allows for the panel to tie to an alarm light in your facility. In case anything happens that stops the system from running effectively, an alarm light can go off, alerting the line operator immediately. Another feature is the ability to tie it to the packaging line itself, called PMI or Parent Machine Interface. Parent Machine Interface will signal the packaging line when the glue is at full temperature thus preventing the line to start up until it receives the signal.

Please watch our video on how to set the ProBilt™ melter temperatures. For more information on our ProBilt™ systems please call today (561) 272-5442 or email

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The Right Melter for Your Packaging Line

The scenario is usually the same, a packaging line melter goes out in the middle of the busiest time of year. Most commonly, maintenance directors and buyers simply replace the current OEM melter with the latest model. That is not always necessary. Universal Systems SE ProBilt™ melters have the same footprint as most all Nordson® systems and can easily fit into where the original tank is positioned. Just because your current packaging line has a Nordson® melter does not mean you have to replace it with another expensive Nordson®. Plus, all of our ProBilt™ melters are in stock and can ship same day!

There are several key points to take into consideration when choosing a hot melt system for your packaging line. The most important are: Melt Rate, Durability, & Cost-Effectiveness.

Melt Rate

The melt rate is the rate at which the tank will melt the adhesive you put into the reservoir. This is where the tank capacity comes into play. Before moving forward with any hot melt adhesive system, first you need to understand how many pounds you need to melt per hour. The melt rate is dependent on how many hoses and gun applicators you are running and how many boxes are sealed per minute on your packaging line. The most common tank capacity is the 20 lb. (10 Liter) ProBilt™ 20, with a melt rate of 23 lbs. per hour. If you are only running one line with one hose and gun applicator, then you may only need the 15 lb. (7 Liter) ProBilt™ 15 which melts 18 lbs. per hour.


Depending on how many shifts you are running, you need a melter that will work consistently and effectively. All ProBilt™ melters come with a 10-year heater warranty, which is the highest in the industry. In addition, all melters come standard with 4 hose / 4 gun capability and a set-back functionality that allows for easy start up and shut down. ProBilt™ melters are constructed out of 316 stainless steel, not only for its sleek look that will seamlessly blend with your packaging line, but also for its durability and sustainability through the tough elements a packaging line ensures.


The economy has become a roller-coaster in the last year. With that, large CPGs are cutting back not only in personnel but in spending budgets for packaging. These tighter budgets won’t always allow for a buyer to simply purchase the latest Nordson® melter. Here at Universal Systems SE, we have seen more and more companies trying to repair older melters and plug any current issues with band-aids to stretch their fixed budgets as far as they can. Since we manufacture parts that are compatible with old Nordson® tanks, we have been able to help a lot of companies cost effectively navigate the times. In addition to our parts business, all of our ProBilt™ series melters are cost effective replacements for any Nordson®.

To learn more about Universal Systems SE’s ProBilt™ series of melters and components, please reach out to a customer service representative at or call (561) 272-5442.

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Cost-Effective Manufacturing

As we continue through 2019, it is clear that big brand CPG budgets are getting tighter when it comes to packaging. Larger companies are no longer bleeding money on big brands that offer not much more than a brand name and pretty blue logo. We have often asked ourselves how companies like Nordson® can get away with charging so much for the same quality product that Universal Systems SE manufactures. Especially since those big brands are not even manufacturing in the USA. That trend is starting to change.

As the American economy continues to change, it is clear that companies need an alternative to the brand name big price tags. It all comes down to shopping around for quality manufacturing that can be done in a more cost-effective way. And yes…it can be done. Cost-effective manufacturing should be the main focus of all companies when it comes to packaging their products. Americans no longer care about a name, they care about performance, quality and cost. Just because it is the most expensive thing on the market, doesn’t make it the best or most reliable. And that rings true for packaging manufacturers as well.

Many CPGs are losing the battle for shelf space and margin growth, which is increasing the pressure on suppliers such as packaging manufacturers to decrease costs. With more brands on the shelf and less market share, big CPGs need to start thinking smartly about their packaging solutions. It might not be the best idea to bring in a company like Nordson® to customize a hot melt solution that will cost you an exorbitant amount of money and take 6 months to get, when you can go with a company like Universal Systems SE who has engineers with over 40 years of experience that actually understand what you need because they have pretty much seen it all.

Not only is cost-effective manufacturing a pull in the marketplace, but knowledgeable customer service and support. If your packaging line goes down, it could cost you thousands of dollars a minute. A large brand with an untrained rep isn’t going to be able to get you up and running with a phone call. Universal Systems SE will! Think about that the next time you place an order for a new hot melt system or components.

Whatever you might need for your hot melt machines, we manufacture it at our Florida facility. Whether it is heated hoses, applicators, filters, modules, nozzles, etc. We also can walk you through troubleshooting any issues or help you with customized set ups. Call Universal Systems SE today at (561) 272-5442.

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The Importance of Using Aluminum for Manifolds

Universal Systems SE manufactures high quality hot melt application manifolds that will work with most all hot melt application systems. We understand the importance of durability, consistency and effectiveness in packaging manufacturing, which is why we use 6061T aluminum when making all of our manifolds.

What is a Manifold?

When evaluating what you need for your hot melt application system, it is important to understand each item that makes up the application gun. The manifold is the aluminum gun body, that houses the heater & sensor, and is where the modules mount.

Why do we use Aluminum?

Aluminum is used on all of our hot melt applicator manifolds because it is an excellent conductor of heat and dissipates heat very efficiently. Aluminum also has a very high strength to weight ratio, meaning that although it is light-weight, it is extremely strong. Its strength is what allows for peak performance during the rigorous packaging process.  It is also non-toxic, cannot burn and is easily recyclable.

Why do we use 6061T Aluminum?

All of Universal System’s ProBilt™ manifolds are manufactured using 6061T aluminum. 6061T aluminum is aviation aluminum and used for the building of all jet aircrafts. This will extend the lifespan and durability of the manifold and increase it’s on the floor performance.

For more information on how to buy a hot melt gun applicator or manifold, please reach out to or call (561) 272-5442 today!

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Zero Cavity Modules and What They Are Used For

There are several different set ups available for your hot melt application. That’s because not all industries use glue application for the same reason. The most common form of hot glue application is standard case packers for mass production high speed packaging. Typically, those lines use standard H200 modules. However, glue application is used to seal other, more specific products. For example, swirl pattern modules are used for glue application on feminine hygiene products, diapers and also for sealing air filters. This blog is going to specifically explain zero cavity modules and what industries use them and why.

Zero cavity modules have a very specific look, with a nozzle head attachment rather than a screw on nozzle. They also come with an E-Z Micro Adjust attachment to manage precision glue application. This nozzle & micro-adjust feature is custom manufactured for precise glue placement on smaller boxes, such as crayon boxes or pharmaceutical products. This unique technology allows for line operators to place a small amount of glue on a small, predetermined location without creating any stringing. Typically, because of this precise requirement, most zero cavity modules are made with either a .008 or a .012 diameter orifice, so that there can never be too much glue applied.

Because zero cavities have a matched piston needle and seat, when they finally wear out, most manufacturers require customers to replace the entire module. Universal Systems does not. We manufacture a rebuild kit specifically for zero cavity modules for a fraction of the price of replacing an entire module. Check out our rebuild kits here:

Not many hot melt application manufacturers offer zero-cavity modules. Luckily, here at Universal Systems we have been manufacturing this specific module for over 25 years. If you would like to learn more about zero cavity modules or get a price quote, please reach out to or call (561) 272-5442.

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Managing Your Glue Usage in Packaging

Hot melt adhesive is not cheap and you may notice that the prices are only going up. What purchasing agents might not know, is that a lot of packaging lines are using more glue than is actually needed. There are a few simple ways to manage your actual glue usage and help cut costs to manage your budget.

Nozzle Diameter

The first step in managing your glue usage, is knowing the diameter nozzle tip you are using in your packaging lines, and understanding why you are purchasing that size. A lot of times, our sales reps will get calls from customers that want to buy larger size nozzle tips because their line operators are saying there is not enough glue being released on the cartons. Obviously, as you increase your nozzle tip diameter, the more glue you are going to use overall and increase your yearly costs for adhesive. This can also cause several other issues, such as potential sealing issues if the hot adhesive does not have enough time to dry as it moves along the cartoner. If your line operators are asking for larger diameter nozzles, question them as to why.

Evaluate Set-up

If your line operators are stating that the glue is not keeping the packaging closed, which is why they need larger nozzles, evaluate your setup. Check the distance your gun applicator is to your carton and at what temperature you are heating your adhesive. If the adhesive is not hot enough and your gun is too far away from the application site, the adhesive could be cooling before it even hits the carton which is why it is not creating a tight seal. Simply increasing your heating temperature or moving your gun applicator closer to the end application site could solve this issue. You could also be putting down too much glue already. If you have a high-speed packaging line, and put down too much glue, the speed will not allow time for the large amount of glue to dry.

Change Your Filters

Another simple solution to managing your glue usage, is to check both your tank and gun filters. If your nozzles are clogging frequently, causing the line operators to buy larger diameter nozzles, they may be clogging due to char. Char is a typical occurrence in hot melt packaging, but the transfer of most char can be prevented by regularly changing your tank and gun filters. These filters will extend the life of both your modules and nozzles.

For more information or tips on how to increase your packaging line efficiency and lower your costs, call a Universal Systems representative at (561) 272-5442 or email us at

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Melt Rate vs. Pump Rate

When purchasing a hot melt adhesive system, it is important to know your desired melt rate and pump rate. It is also important to understand the difference.

All Universal Systems SE ProBilt™ tanks are equipped with a 14:1 ratio pneumatic pump assembly. Pneumatic pumps are most common and have a maximum pump rate of 75 lbs. per hour. No matter what the tank capacity is, whether it is 12 lb., 15 ob., or 20 lb., the pump will max out at 75 lbs. If you need to pump more adhesive then that per hour, you will need to transition to a gear pump system with a larger tank capacity.

The melt rate is the rate at which the tank will melt the adhesive you put into the reservoir. This is where the tank capacity comes into play. Before moving forward with any hot melt adhesive system, first you need to understand how many pounds you need to melt per hour. The melt rate is dependent on how many hoses and gun applicators you are running and how many boxes are sealed per minute on your packaging line. The most common tank capacity is the 20 lb. (10 Liter) ProBilt™ 20, with a melt rate of 23 lbs. per hour. If you are only running one line with one hose and gun applicator, then you may only need the 15 lb. (7 Liter) Probilt™ 15 which melts 18 lbs. per hour.

A common misconception is that the on-demand autofill system, the ProBilt™ Phoenix, will have a larger melt rate and pump rate. That is incorrect. The tank capacity on any auto fill system is the same as a regular tank such as the ProBilt™ 20. However, the advantage to the auto fill is that the line operators will not have to watch the adhesive level in the tank as closely. The vacuum system connected to the tank will sense when the adhesive level is low and automatically fill the tank. This helps eliminate dry running and pumps will last longer. However, the pump rate on this system will still max out at 75 lbs. per hour.

For additional information about melt rate and pump rate on all of our ProBilt™ tanks, please call (561) 272-5442 or email

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From Leaves and Baskets to Hot Melt and High Speed Packaging

People have been packaging products for thousands of years. From the time the earliest humans stepped out to go on a long hunt, it was necessary to wrap food for the journey in something – be it leaves or grass – in order to keep the food from spoiling. As time progressed, new innovations allowed new foods to be packaged for transportation. And innovations were made to package non-food items, as well. Packaging allows for the easy transport of anything and everything that people produce.

But fast-forward a few thousand years. People no longer produce things on a small scale. Even when an entire year’s worth of a harvest was required to be packaged for transport across the country, it did not compare to the production capacity of the twentieth century. New manufacturing technology has made it possible to produce thousands of pieces of a product in a single day. Anyone who has walked into a big-box store or supermarket has experienced firsthand the overwhelming mass production that is possible with modern techniques.

With high-speed production comes the need for high-speed packaging. This is not something that can be accomplished by hand, and requires specialized machines and technology for the process. An important part of high-speed packaging is hot melt equipment. Since hot melt is literally what holds the packaging in an industrial world together.

Hot melt glue has the ability to rapidly cool and bond materials, which allows manufacturers to quickly seal and secure products. Companies across all industries know if items are not properly packaged and available to ship immediately after production, they will lose money. Humans continue to build on the idea of wrapping things in leaves and putting items in a containers for transport. The key to continued progress is incorporating new technologies as well as adapting to the needs of an ever changing global market.

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